CIP Cleaning System
Application: Beverage plant, dairy plant, pharmaceutical plant
Capacity: 1T/h~ 10T/h
Type: Combine type, separate type
CIP (Cleaning-In-Place) is a system designed for automatic cleaning by recirculation detergent and rinse solutions without major disassembly and assembly work.
The CIP Cleaning System can be designed to clean one part of the plant while other areas continue to produce product. The Clean-In-Place Systems provide reservoirs for detergent and rinse solutions as well as pumping and heating capabilities for the solutions.
Computer control handles the programs sequences of washing and rinsing steps. The washing process consists of several cycles in which rinsing material is recycled through the vessels, pumps, valves and other process equipment in the flow system.
The cleaning can be carried out with automated or manual systems is a reliable process that meets the stringent hygiene regulations demanded by the food, dairy, beverage, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries etc.
Longqiang CIP Cleaning System has such advantages as energy-saving, high efficiency, operator safety and easy to operate and maintain.
Support for design, installion, after-sale service.